
Results delivered. Diligently.

Brand Advice

Practically Speaking

Our clients seek our advice when they need to solve an array of complex branding problems. The list is diverse. Our approach is consistent.

First we clarify the problem the client wants us to solve. We then go away and think. Deeply. This usually entails obtaining insights. When combined with our experience these insights enable us to develop a range of solutions. We pull these apart. We challenge them. We test them. Once we’re happy we help our clients implement the advice we have given. Our work isn’t done until this happens.

Some clients are under pressure to solve a brand problem, quickly. They need answers. Now. If that’s the case, that’s what we’ll provide. Other clients want us to solve a problem and share how we’ve done it. In that case we mentor our clients through a project so they understand the logic that informs our advice. This approach can take longer but the value delivered is greater. Clients don’t need to come knocking twice for the same piece of work. They tend to like that.

What types of questions do our clients need answering?

  • How can I use brand-driven growth in new/existing markets/categories to drive revenues?
  • How can I build brand experiences that engage our customers and other stakeholders?
  • Our brand is losing relevance, fast, what can we do?
  • How can we used advanced brand analytics to reduce our exposure to brand investment risk?
  • How can I make more of digital as part of the experiences I build?
  • How can I use mobile to enhance my customers’ brand experience?
  • Our brand has lost focus. How should we position our brand?
  • The brand experiences we deliver are fragmeneted and inconsistent. How can we solve this?
  • How can we engage our employees, customers and other stakeholders with our brand?
  • How can we bring our brand to life through design, communications, employee behaviour or multisensory cues?
  • We’re being sucked into price-based competition. How can we leverage our brands to improve margins?

Brand Insight

Complexity simplified

The brand advice we provide is frequently informed by advanced research methods.

This could include using statistical models that will help focus brand budgets on metrics that matter like sales, relative satisfaction or recommendations. Using these methods gives our advice objectivity, credibility and clout – powerful levers in the boardroom . Sometimes hard data won’t do. A softer touch is required to identify more subtle insights. If that’s the case we use mobile phone video diaries, focus groups, projective techniques or informal observation and ethnography to get under the skin of things. This provides rich and contextual insights quantitative data can’t provide.

We’re equally comfortable with qualitative or quantitative methods. We frequently combine the two. It’s the method that fits the research brief. Not vice versa. Either way we’ll share the results in a straightforward way and won’t blind you with science.

What types of questions do our clients need answering?

  • Which parts of my brand experience drive customer choice and revenues?
  • How do we objectively understand and track our brand positioning?
  • Do our brand values help drive brand performance?
  • Will an increase in brand loyalty or brand awareness help me charge price premiums?
  • Where should we use digital to enhance the experiences we deliver?
  • How do we measure brand performance in a scientifically robust way?
  • How can I segment my market objectively?
  • Which segments deliver the greatest customer lifetime value?
  • How can we measure employee engagement?
  • Which brand should our new product sit under?
  • Why aren’t customers engaging with our brand on social media?
  • How can I demonstrate our brand is driving financial performance to my sceptical CEO?

Brand Education

Knowledge imparted

Our Brand Education programmes develop our clients’ brand marketing capability in practical and interactive ways.

We specialise in helping our clients retain relevance through brand experiences. That’s our niche. Instead of receiving ongong advice and support some clients prefer to adopt a learnning and development approach to building brand experiences. Our Brand Experience Bootcamps help them do this:

  • Baseline Brand Experience Bootcamp (one day)
  • Advanced Brand Experience Bootcamp (two days)
  • Intermediate Brand Experience Bootcamp (three days)
  • Leadership Brand Experience Bootcamp (five days)
  • Bespoke  Brand Experience Bootcamps (one to five days)

More detail on our BX Bootcamps can be found here.

We deliver a number of other brand-related brand education programmes that focus on: brand strategy, services branding, brand planning, place branding, brand performance & metrics, brand management, branding for HR professionals, employer branding, brand positioning and multisensory branding. It’s also common for us to work closely with clients to develop bespoke in-house programmes tailored to their specific needs.

Members of our team are frequently involved to deliver key notes at conferences or in-house sessions. For clients that are fully committed to developing their brand capability we have developed full curriculums that include formal assessment and are endorsed by professional bodies.

Brand Education Programmes

  • Strategic Brand Planning Masterclass (two days)
  • Executive Brand Strategy Programme (three days)
  • Digital Brand Strategy (two days)
  • Crafting Brand Experiences (one / two days)
  • Principles of Service Design (one / two days)
  • Introduction to Services Branding
  • B2B Service Brand Planning Masterclass (two days)
  • Services Branding Masterclass (two days)
  • Personal Branding for Customer-facing Employees (one day)
  • Employer Branding (two days)
  • Strategic Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Masterclass (two days)
  • Product Launch Marketing and Management Masterclass (two days)
  • Brand Positioning Masterclass (two days)
  • Advanced Marketing Programme Endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (Five Days)
  • Brand Management for Human Resource Professionals (two days)
  • Marketing Strategy Masterclass (two days)
  • Social Media Measurement (two days)
  • Social Media Marketing (two days)
  • Social Customer Service (two days)
  • Social Media Measurement, Analytics and ROI (one day)

Brand Design

Breathing life into brands

Design isn’t your brand. Design helps express your brand.

It’s a subtle but hugely important difference that most organisations simply get wrong. We help clients express their brand through websites, experiential events, social, apps, logos / visual identity, brochures, annual reports, offices, exhibitions and other brand marketing assets.

Service design is an important part of the brand design work we do. This entails using service design tools such as customer journey mapping, use case scenarios, mood boards and stories to help our clients bring their brand to life. This approach provides a powerful basis for designing engaging services that form part of the overall brand experience.

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