Wavelength Marketing signs deal to distribute e-learning brand marketing courses with Aristo. Aristo is a joint venture between TalentQuest and Kotler Impact, the brainchild of the Father of Modern Marketing, Professor Philip Kotler.
The deal will see Wavelength Marketing’s Dr. Darren Coleman produce brand marketing courses for ARISTO, starting with a “Branding for SMEs” course. Wavelength’s existing e-learning catalogue will also be distributed on ARISTO.

Aristo combines TalentQuest’s learning content creation capabilities with Kotler Impact’s collection of video talks and presentations from world renound thought leaders including Professor Phillip Kotler, Professor David Aaker, Martha Rogers, Professor Jadgish Sheth and Marshall Goldsmith.
ARISTO is delighted to be partnering with Dr. Darren Coleman on the design and delivery of online brand marketing courses. Dr. Coleman has been working closely with Kotler Impact for some years and fully supports the goal of sharing marketing knowledge at the bottom of the pyramid – which is core to Kotler Impact and ARISTO’s mission. We’re looking forward to calling on Dr. Coleman’s 25+ years global brand marketing experience to achieve this goal.
Mahim Mishra, Chief Executive Officer, ARISTO
I’ve been partnering with the team at Kotler Impact for some years so when they asked me to contribute to ARISTO’s e-learning catalogue I was delighted. Kotler Impact aims create positive social impact and deliver commercial success through education and thought leadership. I find that really inspiring because I hold the firm belief that brands can have a positive economic impact. ARISTO has been designed to realise this aspiration.
Dr. Darren Coleman, Wavelength Marketing
Wavelength’s catalogue of online brand marketing courses can be found here.