For the third year running Wavelength’s Dr. Darren Coleman has been invited by Professor Philip Kotler to speak at his Electronic World Marketing Summit which will run 6-7th November 2023. Darren’s talk is titled “From Product Features to Brand Experiences: The Path to Success.
The Electronic World Marketing Summit has a great roster of speakers including:
- Raja Rajamannar: Global Chief Marketing & Communication Officer, Mastercard USA
- Istvan Kapitany Global EVP Mobility Shell, UK
- Prof. Henry Mintzberg McGill University, Canada
- Marshall Goldsmith, Executive Leadership Coach, USA
- Margot Torres, CEO McDonalds, Philippines

2023 marks the 4th eWMS 2023 and topics will span a range of interesting themes:
- Transformational Leadership in Uncertain and Disruptive World
- Customer Centered Marketing Analytics
- Modern Trends and Tools in Brand Building
- The Future of Digital and Social Media, Open AI, Chat GPT and Metaverse
- Sustainability; Value-driven Marketing for People, Planet, and Profit
- Major trends in Omnichannel Marketing
- New Trends in Salesforce Management and its Effectiveness
- The Future of CMOs and Marketing Departments
- Digitalization in progress and its Side Effects
- Effectiveness of Marketing Simulation Games
- Latest Developments in B2B Marketing
- Women in Business and Marketing
- New Trends in the Advertising World and its Agencies
- Leading through Innovative, Value-adding products and services
- Responsible Design Thinking
- Entrepreneurial Marketing
For a whole host of reasons marketing can get a bad name. Sometimes it’s understandable when marketing is used in manipulative or disingenuous ways. But I sincerely feel marketing can play a powerful part in economic development and so improving standards of living around the world. I’ve seen this play out in numerous emerging markets who have used marketing to move up the economic value chain. This is the main reason why I support the work of Professor Philip and his team because they hold the same views
Dr. Darren Coleman, Founder and Managing Consultant Wavelength Marketing Ltd.
You can learn more about Professor Philip Kotler’s Electronic World Marketing Summit here.